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Monday, September 24, 2012

Marathon Man

BMAMark your calendars! Beirut Marathon 2012 is November 11. Register before October 10th. “It’s All About Running” but you may walk too.


  1. Hello,

    I'm enjoying your billboard photos. Do you have photos of the amateur Photoshop concert posters that are put everywhere around Lebanon? While I was in Bekaa filming a documentary last month they were so ugly that they were hilarious. Unfortunately I never took any photos...

  2. How come you didn't discuss Lebanon elections 2013? How about the billboards about correcting the information on the voters list? I heard that there's an application that has all the voters list so people can check their information in order to correct it, called "People of Leb". Can you discuss elections and the fact that all our data is publicly available ?
