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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Fear Factor

kafa (2)    Fear Factor should just be a TV show……. not where you live.

Marital rape. Should there be a law against it? Yes. What if it can’t be enforced? It should still be illegal. It’s already immoral. When she said “I do” that wasn’t a general consent to anything, anytime, anyway. Lebanon’s ratio of men to women is 7:1. Could Lebanese women be the next revolution? They’re getting angry and it’s hard to hide from your mothers, sisters and daughters. The protest begins January 14th.

                           March Against Rape 



  1. Getting OLD is not easy!
    Not in Beirut nor in Stavanger.

    1. Getting OLD? what does that have to do with anything?

    2. it's in arabic, probably commented and didn't know the meaning

  2. Shou khass getting old??
    Its a woman being raped by her husband, and yes it does actually happen!

  3. I love ur take on this and that u r active every time in ur own way!
