August 17 2009- BDBS(Beirut Drive-by Shooting) proclaims Exotica as the Perenial Favorite, Exotica posts a comment linking to their website for an online game to publicize their move to a new location on Zalka Highway.
October 3,2009- This photo of Exotica's fall/back to school ad was not featured on BDBS. BDBS was not excited about this ad and its absence was the only commentary offered.
November 29 2009 -BDBS's comment of "Ho Ho Hum" well described Exotica's Christmas Ad campaign.
Exotica's very late link(kept secret) to the online video commercial,along with the arts and crafts (aka...suggestions for not spending money on flowers...huh?) aspect of the campaign, came late. Late and Christmas don't go together.The last ditch effort to tap into the blogosphere was too little, too late. In a word- Lame.
February 1 2010- BDBS once again issued a very strong commentary on Exotica's Valentine's Ad campaign. BDBS found the message to be insensitive to the very consumers that participate the most in Valentine's Day. One Blogger ( was linked to the doomed campaign and Lebanese cyber-space was suspicious of this blogger's existence which was itself a distraction. (Few bloggers start out with a domain name, btw.) Which then led to the "decode your rose" event. One blogger said it best.
February 17 2010- Which brings us to the latest offering from Exotica. BDBS calls your attention the three strikes and you're out rule. Lebanese cyber-space was not amused. The idea of good body image and natural beauty got lost somewhere in what appeared to be a sick joke. BDBS has become aware of an effort to enlist the sympathy of the blogosphere to launch some kind of a free public relations campaign to regain what Exotica has lost.
BDBS offers the following free advice. Bloggers can be a helpful and cost-free way to reach internet users but bloggers also wait for the mighty to trip so they can write about them, which they do just for fun, personal amusement and for free.
BDBS now returns to our regular programming.......