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Friday, June 18, 2010

Banking Privacy

federal bank
                  Did you get the cosmetic surgery loan?


  1. I wonder how you got that its a plastic surgery loan? I did not like this add at all, especially the one that has a man on it. Plus since FB is 3 years late on plastic surgery loan they should've at least made a more compelling and a more creative campaign!

  2. What's the secret? Plastic and not just in the credit card I'm carrying either.

  3. Pretty insightful of you, I didn't even think of that initially, but now it all makes sense..good one BDBS!

  4. Thanks Dani..
    Looking younger and your bank...hmmmm
    free anti-age cream with every account?
    how old is this woman anyway? 25?

  5. So let me explain to you... very simple. All banks claim that they bring you peace of mind which is crap! So simply what federal bank is trying to say is that "we keep you carefree therefore no worries, no wrinkles"! And of course if you saw the TVC that was all over the TV, this would've made a lot more sense...
