It all started with a restaurant review. A blogger in Kuwait visited the new Benihana and posted about his experience. Apparently, the folks at Benihana didn’t like the review and thought they would sue the blogger.
On Sunday am, I noticed this on Twitter-
mark248am Benihana is suing me because I didn't have a good experience at their restaurant!
Well the amazing thing about bloggers and tweeps is that they love a good story and it doesn’t get any better than this.
Twitter is reacting in a big way, here’s the bio for @BenihanaGPR
“We are now on Twitter to sue people who are micro-blogging about us. This internet is very much to big. Hopefully we do lots of suing, it's 100% Fair. :)”
Brand Fiasco Unites Bloggers! posts says “Benihana goes bananas, sterotypes Lebanese.
Alexander at titles his narration as “Benihana Bashes Bloggers!”
Now twitter links us to these reports just coming in from The Huffington Post & Gulf News.
Welcome to our digital world, Benihana. Hopefully your legal team will advise you to stop this silliness. This is one day into your adventure and already the combined readership of all of these blogs, media and twitter are too many to even estimate. This is certainly not the kind of publicity that you were hoping for. Cease and desist, make a peace offering and get back to doing what you do and we will too.